Located in the charming village of Zarautz, without detracting from the beauty of it, we enter a beautiful restaurant with high ceilings and careful decoration. The letter, in which the pasta has a preferential place, presents dishes with a local character and flavor. Its adaptation to the environment is understood by taking a look at the philosophy that has governed the steps of the restaurant since its opening, which is faithfully reflected in the initial idea of the family Algaba Arrieta, founders of the restaurant:
"What matters most to us is to please the client, if we know how to adapt ourselves to the public in a sincere way, making them feel comfortable, being the key piece of the restaurant and offering the best genre adapted to their tastes, for us it is enough."
In these simple words summarizes what is the philosophy of Kandela Jatetxea. We seek, above all, customer satisfaction with all that implies. And to achieve this goal we think that they should be involved from the first to the last person who is part of the company.
This leads us to always bear in mind these aspects:
Hospitality is something easier to feel than to explain. You have to give the client a warm and welcoming treatment, which makes him feel at ease.
Good service
This area covers a broad spectrum of tasks: You have to take care of the appearance of the premises, the facilities and the staff. We must offer reliability by giving the client what he expects from us, as well as reacting quickly (responsiveness) in case of any problem or complaint. And whenever possible, try to anticipate problems. We have to demonstrate professionalism by maintaining and updating our knowledge and skills. Courtesy and accessibility are also fundamental. The client must be treated with respect, consideration and sympathy, answering his demand for information with a language he can understand. And it is important that, at a given time, both the client and the staff can have access to the people in charge of the company. It is necessary to create a safe environment for both clients and staff. The trust and honesty projected by the company and its staff give credibility to the client. .
Good cuisine
A careful preparation and the use of the best genre we can find are the secrets so that our dishes continue to be of the client's taste.
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